UN-115: Liquid Coriolis(Sample based water cut, Prover)
Calculates the uncertainty in mass and standard volume flowrate for a liquid flow through a Coriolis meter with an online prover and/or master meter. Sample-based water cut uncertainty calculated as per ISO 3171 method. Coriolis meter flowrate uncertainties are determined from proving statistics as per API MPMS 4.2. Pressure, temperature and measured density uncertainties are determined using the technical specification for the transmitters selected from the integrated transmitter selection tool.
The General tab is used to enter information, which is saved along with the uncertainty calculation and included in reports which are generated.
The tabs used for inputting data and calculating the uncertainty in the individual components of the uncertainty can be seen along the top of the module window.
The report tab is only visible once the calculation has been run and will not be visible if any parameters are changed until the calculation has been run once more.
Pressure units
This section gives the option of entering the pressure as either an absolute value or as a gauge value with reference to atmospheric (barometric) pressure. If Absolute is selected inputs are required for Absolute pressure and Atmospheric pressure and if Gauge is selected inputs are required for Gauge pressure and Atmospheric pressure. This ensures that whichever is chosen both the gauge and Absolute pressure value is available to other sections of the module.
For example: the Density calculation tab may require an absolute pressure to perform an AGA 8 calculation and the Gauge pressure may be used for the pressure transmitter calculation.
Absolute pressure – the Atmospheric pressure = Gauge pressure
This is the line pressure measured upstream of the Coriolis meter.
Note: As described above, if Absolute is selected inputs are required for Absolute and Atmospheric pressure and if Gauge is selected inputs are required for Gauge and Atmospheric pressure.
The default value for Absolute Pressure is set to 1 standard atmosphere (1.01325 bar)
This is the measured temperature.
The observed density of the liquid.
Mass flow rate
This is the mass flow rate through the Coriolis meter.
The outputs section shows the calculated flow rate and uncertainty taken from the Coriolis Meter with Oil Prover and Net Oil Flowrates tabs.
Calculation Blocks
The following blocks are used within this uncertainty module: