Functions associated with each ‘Permission’


Administrator Manager User Reader Comments
Read Allows the user to view the application but not make any changes or save data
Add & Edit Manufacturers and Models of Equipment Add new manufacturer or model, edit the names of existing manufacturers and models and delete existing manufacturers and models (given they do not have equipment under them that are assigned to a tag)
Add & Remove Equipment Create and items of equipment and delete existing items of equipment (given they are not assigned to a tag)
Change Certificate Details for Equipment Add a certificate to a piece of equipment and change when the equipment is valid until and when the next action is needed
Change Status of Equipment Choose a different status for the equipment i.e. Available, Away for Calibration, etc… (only possible if equipment is not assigned to a tag)
View Equipment History Right click on item of equipment and view the history
Edit Equipment History Double click on event recorded in equipment history and add a comment or edit details (note, this will create a new item of history rather than edit the old event)
Add & Edit System, Section & Tags Create and edit items in the tree
Deactivate System, Section & Tags Deactivate so it no longer is shown in tree (can see deactivated system/section/tags if “Show De-activated” box is ticked in “Sites” ribbon)
Assign & Un-assign Equipment Assign or change out a piece of equipment from a tag
Show Tag in Other Applications Tick/un-tick boxes under tag to choose whether the tag will be shown in either Meter Performance Management or Dynamic Uncertainty (this will only be available if the client has access to that other application)

Instrument Management (Previously known as KIMS)

Administrator Manager User Reader Comments
Read Allows the user to view the application but not make any changes or save data
View Test Properties User can right click on a test and open the “Properties” option (these are not editable)
Test & Execute Calibrations Perform a calibration either as a test (which won’t be recorded under Document Management) or as a recorded calibration
Calibration Input Form Open a form that shows the inputs required for the calibration to be performed (this is if you need an ‘offline’ option)
Configuring a Test View how the test has been configured and edit the configuration
View Calibration History Open the calibration history and view each calibration’s details
View Sessions Open the ‘Sessions’ and view individual session details
Create & Close Sessions Can create new session or open individual sessions and close them. Can also add or remove a participant from the session
View Schedule Open the schedule plan and view scheduled tests under ‘review schedules’
Schedule Tests Users able to add tests to a schedule and stop existing scheduled test
Working Offline Ability to check out tags and then check them back in again in order to switch between working online and offline
Running Reports Run a report, export it to file and print

Meter Performance Management (Previously known as K-TRAC)

Administrator Manager User Reader Comments
Read Allows the user to view the application but not make any changes or save data
Use Tag in K-TRAC Open tag in Instrument Management and tick box that allows that tag to be used in Meter Performance Management
Add Product Add a product to a tag from existing products or create a new product to add
View Proves Double click on the products and view all the proves that have been done against that product. Also double click on the individual proves and view the details of the prove
New Prove, Chart or Curve Create a new prove, chart or curve
Configure Products Edit the configuration of a product to change options relating to performance curves, control charts, units, process limits and stream totals
View Charts and Curves View a list of all charts and curves and view individual charts and curves
Alter Sensitivity Edit sensitivity manually, use average or re-calculate
View Proving Plan Allows the user to view the proving plan
View OPC Configurations Open the list of OPC configurations under OPC tab in top ribbon
Running Reports Run a report, export it to file and print

Link Admin (Previously known as K-LINK)

Administrator Manager User Reader Comments
Read Allows the user to view the application but not make any changes or save data
Test Existing OPC Connection Open an existing connection and either test the connection or test the tags
New Connection Add a new connection and load tags. Test the connection and tags

Document Management (Previously known as K-DOC)

Administrator Manager User Reader
Read Allows the user to view the application but not make any changes or save data
Open Document Double click on document from tree to view it
New Folders Add a new root folder or a new folder
New Files Add a new file or a link to a file stored on your computer
File Properties View the file’s properties and either associate file with a certain tag or unassign from a tag
Version History and Search View the file’s version history and search all files uploaded or linked with Document Management

Electronic Logbook (Previously known as K-LOG)

Administrator Manager User Reader Comments
Read Allows the user to view the application but not make any changes or save data
View Logbook Open the logbook either by clicking button on Home ribbon or by right clicking system, section or tag in the tree and filter the search by either location or event type
Log New Event Log a new event against a system, section or tag
Authorise or Exclude Logs Check the tick box for an event to need authorisation in order to get logged and choose whether to authorise or exclude a log
Edit Categories Edit the names of the categories (the default is ‘Category 1’ but could change this to ‘Urgent’ or ‘High Risk’ or something more suited to company use</td   >
