Normal Volume
The SI unit for normal volume is cubic metres, Nm3.
Factors in boldface are exact.
Convert | From | To | Multiply | Std |
Normal cubic centimetre | Ncm3 | Nm3 | 1.0 x 10-6 | 2 |
kilo Normal cubic metre | kNm3 | Nm3 | 1000 | 2 |
mega Normal cubic metre | MNm3 | Nm3 | 1.0 x 106 | 2 |
Normal litre | Nl | Nm3 | 0.001 | 1 |
Normal cubic inch | Nin3 | Nm3 | 1.6387064 x 10-5 | 1 |
Normal cubic foot | Nft3 | Nm3 | 0.028316846592 | 1 |
kilo Normal cubic foot | k.Nft3 | Nm3 | 28.316846592 | 2 |
thousand Normal cubic foot | M.Nft3 | Nm3 | 28316.846592 | 2 |
million Normal cubic foot | MM.Nft3 | Nm3 | 28316.846592 | 2 |
Normal barrel (for petroleum, 42 USgal) | Nbbl | Nm3 | 0.1589873 | 2 |
Normal US gallon | NUSgal | Nm3 | 3.78541 E-03 | 2 |
Normal UK gallon | NUKgal | Nm3 | 4.54609 x 10-3 | 2 |
1: BS 350:2004 Table 6
2: BS 350:2004 Section 5