C253 – AGA 8 – Gross Characterisation Methods


This calculation uses either AGA8 Gross Characterisation Method 1 or 2 to calculate the compressibility factors and densities of dry, sweet natural gases at an alternative temperature and pressure.


AGA Report No. 8 – Compressibility Factors of Natural Gas and Other Related Hydrocarbon Gases. Catalog No. XQ9212 2nd Edition, 3rd Printing 2003

Kelton calculation reference C253

FLOCALC calculation reference F063

KIMS calculation reference K125



  • Method 1

This option uses gross characterisation method 1 where volumetric gross heating value is used as an input parameter

  • Method 2

This option uses gross characterisation method 2 where nitrogen content is used as input parameter

Choose option based on which input parameters you have. Note that the input value of gross volumetric heating value must be in energy per volume units e.g. MJ/m3.

Reference Conditions

  • 0°C, 0°C, 1.01325 bar
  • 15°C, 15°C, 1.01325 bar
  • 25°C, 0°C, 1.01325 bar
  • 25°C, 20°C, 1.01325 bar
  • 60°F, 60°F, 14.696 psi
  • 60°F, 60°F, 14.73 psi
  • 60°F, 60°F, 15.025 psi

This option is available if Method 1 is selected. It allows selection of a variety of reference conditions relating to the heating value of the gas for both volumetric and molar values.


Gas Constant – R = 8.31451 J/molK

Molar mass of air – Mair = 28.96256 g/mol

Molar mass of nitrogen – MN2 = 28.01344 g/mol

Molar mass of carbon dioxide – MCO2 = 44.00964 g/mol

Interaction virial coefficient terms for nitrogen and carbon dioxide.

Fluid for Bij b0 b1 b2
N2-N2 -0.1446 0.74091 x 10-3 -0.91195 x 10-6
CO2-CO2 -0.86834 0.40376 x 10-2 -0.51657 x 10-5
CO2-N2 -0.339693 0.161176 x 10-2 -0.204429 x 10-5
Fluid for Cij c0 c1 c2
N2-N2-N2 0.78498 x 10-2 -0.39895 x 10-4 0.61187 x 10-7
CO2-CO2-CO2 0.20513 x 10-2 0.34888 x 10-4 -0.83703 x 10-7
CO2-N2-N2 0.552066 x 10-2 -0.168609 x 10-4 0.157169 x 10-7
CO2-CO2-N2 0.358783 x 10-2 0.806674 x 10-5 -0.325798x 10-7

Virial coefficient terms for the equivalent hydrocarbon

i bi0 bi1 bi2
B0 0 -0.425468 0.2865 x 10-2 -0.462073 x 10-5
B1 1 0.877118 x 10-3 -0.556281 x 10-5 0.88151 x 10-8
B2 2 -0.824747 x 10-6 0.431436 x 10-8 -0.608319 x 10-11
i ci0 ci1 ci2
C0 0 -0.302488 0.195861 x 10-2 -0.316302 x 10-5
C1 1 0.646422 x 10-3 -0.422876 x 10-5 0.688157 x 10-8
C2 2 -0.332805 x 10-6 0.22316 x 10-8 -0.367713 x 10-11


Gross characterisation methods 1 and 2 both use iterative procedures to calculate the compressibility factor at base conditions, composition of the mixture and the molar gross heating value of the equivalent hydrocarbon. This is then used to find the virial coefficients of the mixture.

The virial coefficients, B and C, of the mixture are found from:

Bij = The individual components interaction second virial coefficient
Cijk = The individual components interaction third virial coefficient
xi,j,k = Mole fractions of respective gas components
N = Number of components in gas mixture

Molar density, d, and compressibility factor, Z, are found from a further iterative process centred around the relationships:

P = Absolute pressure
R = Gas constant
T = Absolute temperature
Bmix = Second virial coefficient of mixture
Cmix = Third virial coefficient of mixture

The supercompressibility is then calculated by:

Zb = Base compressibility


