C127 – AGA 5 Natural Gas Energy Measurement


This calculates the gross and net heating values of a natural gas for custody transfer.


AGA Report No.5 – Natural Gas Energy Measurement (2009)

Kelton calculation reference C127

FLOCALC calculation reference F087

KIMS calculation reference K129


Heating Value Method

  • Molar
  • Volumetric

This option allows the user to select whether they want the known values heating values of the constituent compounds to be molar or volumetric values.

Standard Temperature

  • 0°C
  • 15°C
  • 20°C
  • 25°C
  • 59°F
  • 60°F

If “Molar” is selected as the Heating Value Method, this option will allow the user to select the standard temperature of the gas mixture.

Standard Conditions

  • 0°C, 100kPa
  • 15°C, 101.325kPa
  • 20°C, 98.0665kPa
  • 59°F, 14.696psi
  • 60°F, 14.4psi
  • 60°F, 14.65psi
  • 60°F, 14.696psi
  • 60°F, 14.73psi
  • 60°F, 15.025psi

If “Volumetric” is selected as the Heating Value Method, this option will allow the user to select a set of standard conditions for the gas mixture.


Gas Constant – R = 8.314472 J/molK

Molar masses of supported constituents and air

Gas Molar Mass (g/mol)
Methane 16.0425
Ethane 30.069
Propane 44.0956
i-Butane 58.1222
n-Butane 58.1222
i-Pentane 72.1488
n-Pentane 72.1488
n-Hexane 86.1754
n-Heptane 100.2019
n-Octane 114.2285
n-Nonane 128.2551
n-Decane 142.2817
Nitrogen 28.0134
Oxygen 31.9988
Carbon Dioxide 44.0095
Carbon Monoxide 28.0101
Hydrogen Sulphide 34.0809
Water 18.0153
Hydrogen 2.0159
Helium 4.0026
Argon 39.948
2,2-Dimethyl Propane 72.1488
2-Methyl Pentane 86.1764
3-Methyl Pentane 86.1764
2,2-Dimethyl Butane 86.1764
2,3-Dimethyl Butane 86.1764
Ethylene 28.0532
Propylene 42.0797
Methyl Alcohol 32.0119
Air 28.9625


Compressibility factor

The compressibility factor is calculated by:

n = Number of constituents of natural gas mixture
xi = Mole fraction of ith component of natural gas mixture
si = Summation factor of ith component of natural gas mixture

Ideal gross heating value (volumetric)

The volumetric ideal gross heating value is calculated by:

n = Number of constituents of natural gas mixture
xi = Mole fraction of ith component
GHVi = Ideal gross heating value of ith component

Gross heating value (molar)

The molar gross heating value is calculated by:

n = Number of constituents of natural gas mixture
T = Metering temperature
T0 = Reference temperature
xi = Mole fraction of ith component of natural gas mixture
GHVmol(T)i = Molar gross heating value of ith component of natural gas mixture
SCi,k = Stoichiometric coefficient of species k for combustion of ith component of natural gas mixture
Cp = Molar ideal heat capacity

Wobbe Index

The Wobbe index is calculated by

RDRe = Relative density of natural gas mixture
GHVVolRe = Real gas volumetric gross heating value of natural gas mixture


