C104 – API Volumetric Flow Rate of Natural Gas at Standard Conditions (Factors Approach Method) 1992


This calculates the volumetric flow rate of natural gas at standard conditions using the ‘Factors Approach’ method outlined in the MPMS Chapter 14.3.3 Appendix 3-B.


FLOCALC Calculation reference F034

Kelton calculation reference C024

Kelton calculation reference C104

Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 14 – Natural Gas Fluids Measurement, Section 3 – Concentric, Square-Edged Orifice Meters, Part 3 – Natural Gas Applications, Appendix 3-B – Factors Approach (Third Edition 1992; Reprinted 2009)


Calculation as documented in standard

Volumetric Flow Rate

The volumetric flow rate is calculated from:

Fc = Orifice calculation factor
Fgr = Real gas relative density factor
Fn = Numeric conversion factor
Fpb = Base pressure factor
Fpv = Supercompressibility factor
Fsl = Orifice slope factor
Ftb = Base temperature factor
Ftf = Flowing temperature factor
Y1 = Expansion factor
Pf1 = Upstream pressure in psi
hw = Orifice differential pressure in inH2O (60°F)
C’ = Composite flow factor

Orifice Calculation Factor

The numeric conversion factor, Fc, is calculated from:

D = Pipe diameter at flowing temperature in inches
β = Orifice diameter ratio
ReD = Reynolds number of pipe flow

Real Gas Relative Density Factor

The real gas relative density factor, Fgr, is calculated from:

Gr = Real gas relative density

Numeric Conversion Factor

The numeric conversion factor, Fn, is calculated from:

d = Orifice bore diameter at flowing temperature in inches
β = Orifice diameter ratio

Base Pressure Factor

The base pressure factor, Fpb, is calculated from:

Pb = Base pressure in psi

Supercompressibility Factor

The supercompressibility factor, Fpv, is calculated from:

Zb = Base supercompressibility factor
Zf1 = Line supercompressibility factor

Slope Factor

The slope factor, Fsl, is calculated from:

β = Orifice diameter ratio
ReD = Reynolds number of pipe flow

Base Temperature Factor

The base temperature factor, Ftb, is calculated from:

Tb = Base temperature in °R

Flowing Temperature Factor

The flowing temperature factor, Ftf, is calculated from:

Tf = Flowing temperature in °R

